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Category: One Small Child

Bethany   Mom Talk - One Small Child

One Small Child’s Newest Member: Bethany

My name is Bethany and I am so excited to be a part of the One Small Child team! I will be assisting with social media to spread new products, projects, any and everything baby and most importantly inspiration from other moms.

I am still a “new” mom, I have 3 littles that I adore. My oldest is a boy who is 4 years old, my daughter is 3 years old and my newest is a sweet boy just 8 weeks old today! I call myself new because I still have so much to learn and experience with my children that it’s almost overwhelming to think about. And I have been blessed to be able to work from home but it can be easy to work when my children need me, even if they didn’t tell me they did.

S0 I have come to realize that slowing down in life is not a bad thing. Yes, work, activities and adventures are also necessary to learn, grow and enjoy life but I have learned that too much can leave us feeling drained. I want to lead an intentional life with my little family and it starts with me and how I set the tone for my household. My example is what my children learn from, good and bad. For example, our sweet baby boy at just 13 days old had open heart surgery to save his life. We were so blessed with everything and everyone involved. I could have panicked more than necessary though but I didn’t. I wanted my older two to see and understand that being sad, worried and scared was okay but that we had to be positive and keep going. So when Mommy and Daddy were gone for 10 days at the hospital, they were okay. They didn’t worry. Now they love to tell people how baby brother “got his heart fixed by the doctor” and then roll into what they did at school, dance class or story time at the library. I would say  for today it’s a win.

I am grateful for the opportunity I have to be a part of this great company and blog and look forward to interacting with all of you!

Christening Gown Keepsake Bag - One Small Child

After the Ceremony: How to Preserve and Store your Christening Gown or Outfit

Your beautiful event is now over. All the guests have now gone, the decorations have been taken down and all those thank you cards are sent. There’s just one more thing on your to-do list: preserve the outfit. So, what are the best methods of storage for your precious gown? Are there any preservation tips or tricks? How do you keep your gown looking crisp for siblings or generations to come? Today, we’ll teach you how to preserve and store your Christening gown or outfit the right way.

Step 1-Dry clean or hand-wash the baptism gown or blessing outfit as directed on the clothing tag. Why? Stains and body oils can irreparably discolor the fabric. If your item calls for a hand-wash, avoid using harsh soaps, chlorine bleach, fabric softeners, and starch. Rinse the christening dress or outfit well to remove detergent residues.

Step 2-Once the gown or outfit is completely dry, stuff it with clean, acid-free tissue; this will help prevent hard creases that can weaken the fabric. Fold additional tissue into pleats and slip it between layers of fabric.

Step 3-Place the christening outfit in a 100 percent cotton muslin garment bag. Plastic or vinyl bags are unacceptable for long-term preservation since garments need to breathe. For this same reason, you should not seal or wrap a cardboard box containing heirloom christening clothing. Never pack mothballs with your christening apparel since they can ruin fabric over time. Also avoid storing the christening suit or gown with metal items. If you have purchased a bracelet for your special occasion, you can find the perfect display frame here. It’s a good idea to label your storage container (if it is not already monogrammed or personalized) with your child’s name and event or birth date.

Step 4-Store the christening gown in a dark, cool, dry place (for example, in a closet or under a bed). Avoid storing the box or bag in places where temperature or humidity may fluctuate seasonally (for example, a garage or attic). The ideal storage place has a relative humidity of 55 percent and a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

It is a good idea to check your outfit once in a while to ensure that it is maintaining its beauty. When you handle your christening heirloom, wear cotton gloves–skin oils can discolor fabric.

When you wish to use your treasured christening gown or outfit again, remove it from the storage container and air it out for several days. You may need to steam the item to remove wrinkles; iron only as a last resort, and only on a very low setting.

That’s all there is to it. Now you know how to preserve and store your Christening gown or outfit for generations to come!

Christening Gown Keepsake Bag | One Small Child by Katy Lane

{Our Muslin Keepsake Bags can be personalized with baby’s name and event date embroidered on the front.}

Brakkin Boys Silk Christening Outfit - One Small Child

OSC Family Friday: Meet Marisol

Happy Friday! As promised, we’re continuing on with our Meet the Staff series today. We’d like to introduce Marisol!
She has been part of the One Small Child family for 8 months. Working in the customer service department, she also makes all our jewelry. Marisol makes any task more enjoyable with her cheerful attitude and friendliness. She has a great work ethic and a very adventurous side!

We asked Marisol:

  • What do you love about your job? The people I work with! They are just the best and the nicest!
  • Who is your fashion icon? I love the Khloe Kardashians style, but if we are keeping it classic I would have to say Audrey Hepburn.
  • What/where do you like to eat? I love going out to eat and trying new things, but nothing beats my momma’s kitchen!
  • What is something spectacular you have done? Give birth to my beautiful little girl Yaneli.
  • Who do you admire? Any person that can keep a positive attitude even when things are not the best.
  • What is one thing you would love to do if you were able to do it? Go sky-diving! It’s on my to-do list.
  • If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why? Black, because it’s just classic!
  • What is your favorite family tradition? Getting together every year and going on a vacation. It’s always crazy but it creates the best memories!
  • What is important to you? Definitely all my loved ones and always trying to maintain a positive outlook on life.
  • In what ways do you feel rich? Absolutely in the way of being blessed everyday to still have all my family along my side but most definitely such a wonderful husband and little girl.
  • What makes you smile? Anything. My mom has always told me that even a grain of sand would keep me entertained lol.
  • How do you re-charge after a long day? At this point in my life there is nothing that will re-charge me more than a power nap.
  • If you could create a holiday, what would it be for and what would you call it? It would be for Shopping! It would just be national Shopaholic Day!
  • Where do you turn for comfort? God, there is nothing better than prayer.
  • What would you like to be famous for? I love doing makeup and hair, as well as styling different outfits! I would love to be famous for my creations on different people.
  • What is your favorite OSC product? I would say the Sophi and the Natalia for the girls, the Anthony and the Brakkin for the boys.


{Brakkin Silk Boy’s Christening Outfit}


{Sophi Silk and Lace Christening Gown}

Christine 3850 - One Small Child

OSC Family Friday: Meet Christine

Happy Friday! We want to introduce you to all the wonderful employees that make One Small Child operate smoothly and successfully each day. We love each of these wonderful people – they are like family to us!

Without further ado, meet Christine – our head customer service representative! Christine started off as an inspector, and now answers phones and customer e-mails. She also handles our live website chat, our Etsy account and any other odd task we might throw her way! From ironing to shipping to website management, she’s always been willing to learn new tasks and performs them meticulously. Christine is so fun to work with, and carries a cheery attitude with her every day!


We asked Christine:

  • How long have you worked at One Small Child? About 2 years.
  • What do you love about your job? The employers are great to work with. I absolutely LOVE all the ladies I work with everyday, and the special projects I get to work on in between chatting with customers. I have learned to so much working on them!
  • Share a fun work memory…Halloween is always fun around here;  everyone goes all out with the costumes and you never know what creepy thing you are going to walk into that day.
  • What is your dream vacation?  Europe, there is so much history there.
  • What do you like to do in your spare time? Exercise, read a good book, take a bubble bath, Paint my toenails, basically anything I can think of to pamper myself.
  • If you could have one superpower, what would it be?  Fly, so I could travel the world and experience all the cultures in it.
  • If you could be someone else for a week, who would you be? An actress. It would be great to have someone else do my hair and makeup and have a reason to wear crazy-cool costumes.
  • What is the scariest thing you have ever done?  Flying half way across the world to Fiji and leaving my little ones home.  It was scary to be that far away from my kids and to go to a place I knew nothing about, but the trip was amazing!
  • What makes you smile? Watching my husband and kids be goofy together.
  • How do you re-charge after a long day?  Put on headphones, turn up my favorite music and zumba. There is just something about thoroughly enjoying music that makes me feel like I have energy again.
  • What is your favorite One Small Child product? If I had to narrow it down it would be the silk outfits, I think the off white luster of the material gives the outfits a beautiful vintage look.


{Jessa Silk Christening Gown}

First Communion Dresses Throwback Thursday - One Small Child

30 Years of One Small Child: Our Photographer Then and Now

Once upon a time, there was a little girl whose mother started a tiny company, making beautiful dresses. She often went to work with her Mama, spending countless hours playing amidst sewing machines, patterns, huge rolls of fabric, and piles of lace waiting to be gathered into yards and yards of ruffles. When she was big enough, she spent many hours in front of the camera, twirling and posing just so.

First Communion Dresses | One Small Child Throwback Thursday

{One Small Child First Communion Dresses, circa 1991}

Throwback Thursday: vintage first communion veils

{We’ve done a lot of different things in 30 years!}

One Small Child Throwback Thursday: early nineties Victorian style girls dresses

One Small Child Throwback Thursday: vintage country girl dresses

Today, she’s behind the camera, watching the light, checking her settings, and asking her subjects to twirl and pose just so. (Some of these subjects happen to be her own darling daughters. Also, this image might be a sneak peek for next week!)

Behind the scenes at One Small Child's First Communion 2014 Shoot

{We love you Kayla!}

Paisley by Kayla Commercial Newborn Photographer

{Commercial Photography by Paisley Studios}

Bethany   Mom Talk - One Small Child

Day in the Life of Mom: Bethany

Highlighting one of our own One Small Child Moms and what a not always normal, but somewhat regular Day in the life of Mom looks like.

5:00am – Accidentally hit “dismiss” instead of “Snooze”. I’ll totally get up….

6:00am – Feed the baby. Finally get up.

6:30am – Bring myself downstairs to eat breakfast and do my daily devotional. Somehow even when I am alone I eat standing up. I stare at the overflowing dishes in the sink from last night. I lay my bowl on top.

7:00am – Exercise to either Jillian Micheals or Richard Simmons. Feeling lazy, Richard it is.

7:30am – “Mommy! Where are you?” I get the kids cereal and turn on a show for them. After a few snuggles I do some laundry, the dishes and feed the dog. Throw away a business card my husband wrote on years ago, no way it’s any good. The garbage man takes it away. Bathe the kids and get them dressed for Preschool. There is at least 1 meltdown and 1 toddler argument. Forget on the way out it’s Show and Tell day. Pick a toy, of course for both it’s the wrong one. Go back in and get new ones.

8:55am – Finally getting in the car, good thing Preschool is only a mile from our house.

9:05am – Get home and feed the baby. Cuddle him tight and really enjoy our alone time together since he is our last. Do a little bit of work and hopefully put on “real” clothes. I don’t…

11:15am – Get home, get lunch ready and do some reading/homework. More laundry.

1:15pm – “Quiet time”. My older two no longer nap. I want to cry uncontrollably over this.

1:30pm – Cleaning and de-cluttering. Doing a “Minimalist Challenge” since all of our junk stuff is starting to drive me crazy. I throw away a few more things I hope my husband doesn’t notice. Husband texts me to ask if I have seen a business card with writing on it, there is a lock combo on it for his work locker. He can’t remember the numbers… “I don’t know where it is.”

2:00pm – Sit down to work. Suddenly hear running water upstairs I don’t recognize… my kids put a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet and flushed.

4:30pm – Start dinner. Husband calls to say he is on his way home and will promptly be called back to work in about 10 hours. Great. Confess to my card crime.

7:00pm – Get the older two in bed. Praise all that is good and holy.

7:30pm – Dishes/work/attempt to watch a show on Hulu. I get half way through one and promise I’ll finish it tomorrow; probably won’t.

10:30pm – Bed finally. Write my “to do” list on the ceiling like Sarah Jessica Parker did in “I don’t know how She does it”. Maybe I’ll try to watch that tomorrow…

Bethany is our social media consultant and works from home. She has 3 children, ages 4,3 and 4 months. Her husband works on call and is away 2 days at a time, so she has a lot of non-alone time. She dreams of a beach vacation, paying someone to clean her house every week and fall year round. Being with her kids and husband is her favorite way to spend any day.



Let's Celebrate!  is 30 Years Old! - One Small Child

Let’s Celebrate: 30 Years!

Let's Celebrate! One Small Child is 30 Years Old!

November 2013 marks a significant milestone for the One Small Child family: 30 years in business. Phew, it’s kinda cool to say that!

We’re planning to celebrate this entire year, by taking a trip or two down memory lane, and offering a fabulous product giveaway each month. Stay tuned, the first giveaway goes live tomorrow!

{Sweet Baby Abe is snug as a bug in our Braxton Knit Christening RomperCable Knit Christening Blanket, and Poly-Cotton Oxford Christening Shoes}

Christening Outfits   - One Small Child

Every Day is a Special Occasion

Christening Outfits | One Small Child

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about this idea: every day is a special occasion. It’s true–time is a gift we have only so much of, and when we take the opportunity to be aware of it, we find that there is value to be found in everything we do.

The ‘mundane’ things of everyday life are special. If I take the time to look out the window while I’m processing that never-ending pile of dishes, I can appreciate the beautiful world outside, and the miraculous changes of the seasons. If I stop whatever busy-work I’m doing when my seven-year-old demands attention and look her in the eye, I can feel the deep privilege it is to be her mother and marvel at the gorgeous child she is. If I put a little effort into going for a walk or creating artwork or reading with my children, we will not only learn together, but we will create memories. These are special occasions. Each one builds on the next to create the texture of a beautiful life.

With that in mind, we’ve been putting a lot of thought into highlighting ways you can celebrate your every day special occasions, as well as offering meaningful ideas you can use to make more significant events (such as christenings, blessings, baptisms) truly memorable. We recently produced a christening party photo shoot with some amazing collaborators. I’m looking forward to sharing the details with you, and hopefully helping you find mindful ways of incorporating little bits of yourself into the many special occasions that are part of your life. More to come!