irish christening

Tag: irish christening

Irish Christening Traditions That We Adore! - One Small Child

Irish Christening Traditions

Irish Christening Traditions That We Adore!

We love a Christening that includes special traditions! Sentimental family traditions connect you and your little one with previous and future generations. Even if you’re not continuing a heritage, it’s never too late to start your own! Your little darling will appreciate that you planned to stay connected with your posterity.

Today, we’re sharing some sweet Irish Christening traditions that we adore! Guests can’t help but feel like part of the family when witnessing these fun customs.

A Special Handkerchief-Irish brides are given a special white handkerchief to carry on their wedding day. This handkerchief is turned into her firstborn child’s Christening bonnet. Then, the bonnet is unstitched and given to the bride to be at the baby’s wedding.

Wedding Cake to Christening Blessing-Newlyweds keep the top layer of their wedding cake for the Christening of their firstborn. At the Christening celebration, the parents sprinkle pieces of the cake over their little one’s head, wishing their child a long and prosperous life.

Irish Christening Gown-Shamrocks or Celtic crosses are often embroidered on the wee one’s outfit for good luck. Traditional Irish Christening gowns are made from Irish flax linen and lace.

A Sleeping Beauty-For added luck, baby will sleep in his baptism outfit the night before his Christening.

Coin Charm-To ensure a prosperous life, parents put a silver coin in their little one’s hand to hold during the ceremony.

An Irish Blessing-Irish blessings are a big part of tradition. These can be said during the ceremony, as a prayer, at the reception.

Erin/Faye Shamrock Christening Dress - One Small Child

Lucky New Year & A Luxe Irish Christening Collection

I don’t know about you, but I’m so enjoying getting back into the swing of things after a truly lovely holiday season. There’s something about a new beginning that gives me hope and energy! Here’s to a beautiful and lucky new year!

Just for fun, here’s a sweet grouping of our lovely Faye  Shamrock Christening Gown (pictured first), and our Erin Shamrock Christening Dress (pictured second) with matching accessories that go great with both dresses (shamrock bib, shamrock slippers):
