Say hello to my newest niece, darling baby Violet snuggled up to Daddy in her Rose Blessing Gown. So excited I get to love on her this weekend!

Say hello to my newest niece, darling baby Violet snuggled up to Daddy in her Rose Blessing Gown. So excited I get to love on her this weekend!
Confession: I’ve been a bad portrait mom. As much as I try to keep up with everything, between work and home and family, one of the casualties of this busy life has been the ritual of sit-down, formal portaits of my children. Fortunately, I’m blessed with some serious photographic talent in my family, so we have actually shot random portraits, but until recently, I haven’t followed through with printing/framing/hanging very well. This makes my mother-in-law crazy, but she still loves me. {wink}
Why does the above confession matter? The holidays are fast approaching, and I decided that for Christmas this year I would like to create small photo books for each of my three kiddos chronicling the first year of their lives (because I’ve also been a bad scrapbook mom). I started sifting through digital files and quickly pulled together sweet little books for my younger two, then realized I didn’t have much on file of my darling first-born. How does this happen? Well, the short answer is: the digital camera we had when she was little is so archaic the files had to be specially converted, and somehow over the years, we’ve lost a lot of images. (Back to that printing problem I’ve already explained.) Boo.
This morning Grammie came to the rescue! She dropped by with an external drive filled with portrait sessions of my babies, sessions I had completely forgotten. One of those sessions included this image of my sweet little one in her original version of our Jessa blessing dress. Phew!
So this whole episode got me to thinking: do you have similar experiences? Do you find that some things you’d like to do fall by the wayside in the crush of busy-ness and responsibility that is the life of a mother or grandmother today? I’d love to know what those things are…and that I’m not alone in not having *everything* as together as I’d like.
Just for fun: all those who join in conversation in the comments section of this post before 10 p.m. (Mountain Time) Wednesday, September 15th will be entered in a random drawing for a $25 gift certificate to One Small Child. One entry per person, but feel free to converse away!