Sick moms don’t get sick days; the cooking, laundry, playtime and homework still need to be done. But it’s hard taking care of everything when we can’t let go of the tissue box. Plus, I would rather cook the can of sweetened condensed milk and the bag of Ramen that are left in my cabinet than go to the store.
What if the baby needs diapers? What if you run out of medicine? What on earth is for dinner? All of these questions can be answered with today’s post: a Take Out Bag for Sick Moms!
When your friend, sister, or neighbor are down with the cold or flu it’s understandable you want to help them, but that you also don’t want to expose your family. Give a quick text asking if they need anything like diapers/wipes, laundry soap and tissues. Then put together a quick bag to set on their front door step. No exposure for your family and you’ll feel more satisfied knowing you were able to help someone you care about.
Basic items that could be helpful:
-Alkaseltzer cold/flu medicine
-Cough drops
-Laundry soap
-Anti-bacterial wipes
-Can of chicken noodle soup
-Ginger ale
-Coloring book and crayons for the little ones
Any combo of these items in a cute basket and a card will brighten their day and make things a little easier until they are feeling well enough to venture outside the home. This is also a great way to involve your children in some kind of a service project so they can start to build an understanding of giving to others and being helpful, at times, without being asked. Someday when you and your kids are sick, the favor will be returned. Hopefully with chocolate.