April Showers continue with three modern baby shower games. Did we mention each is a free printable? Enjoy!
For the brainiac: Play this fun baby word scramble game. Unscramble each set of letters to reveal a newborn-related word. Don’t forget to copy down the answers below! Download your free printable here.
Bassinet – sentisab
Pacifier – reficaip
Bottle – tobelt
Rattle – treatle
Onesie – eniseo
Diaper – preadi
Swaddle – waddles
Lullaby – bluyall
Car Seat – arc eats
Love – veol
For the social butterfly: What’s in your Phone? Guests rack up the points as they scour their phone for the things listed. The one with the most points wins! Download your free printable here.
5 points:
You have the baby’s due date marked in your calendar.
You have a pink or blue phone case.
You have a pregnancy or nursing app.
You have a text from the mom-to-be.
4 points:
You’ve already taken a picture of the baby shower.
One of your contacts is labeled ‘pediatrician’.
You have one or more apps for kids.
You have a text containing the word ‘baby’.
3 Points:
You have the baby shower marked in your calendar.
One of your contacts is labeled ‘doctor’.
Your background or lock screen is a picture of a baby.
Your music collection includes a song with ‘baby’ in the title.
2 Points:
You put your phone on silent for the shower.
You have a picture of a baby saved in your photos.
Your mom or dad are saved as favorite contacts.
You have a pink or blue background or lock screen.
1 Point:
For every contact that starts with the letter ‘B’.
One of your recent calls was to one of your parents.
You have an alarm set.
You made a call before 7:00 a.m.
For the speed demon: This Baby Name Race Game will have everyone laughing! Be the first to come up with 26 names for the baby-to-be. One for every letter of the alphabet. Download your free printable here.
We hope you enjoy these free printable baby shower games and wish you a wonderful celebration!