{Lamb Gift Tote}
I knew long before my babies first arrived that I wanted to share my love of reading with them. I can look back now and say I am so glad I took the time to hold them close and read to them often. They are little for such a short time, and that first year of life is jam-packed with foundation building in so many ways.
It might not seem like your infant is getting much out of your reading sessions, but reading to your baby is a vital part of his or her development from day one. Here are a few ways reading impacts your infant:
- Relationship Building: holding your baby close and reading aloud helps your child feel safe. The protective feel of your arms and the tones of your voice is familiar and comforting. These moments help your child know they are cared for and responded to, creating an ideal atmosphere for Baby to focus on new concepts and experiences.
- Brain Development: a newborn’s brain is made up of billions of individual neurons (brain cells). As they learn and gain experience, connections are made between these brain cells. Research shows that children who feel loved and cared for have an easier time forming these connections, which are responsible for how information is processed and movement is expressed.
- Communication: your baby is learning from you at all times. Hearing your voice, the sounds of your language and the nuances of tone and emotion in what you are reading lays the foundation for their understanding of how words relate to objects, individuals, and abstract concepts.
- For example: having positive experiences with books & reading will help your child associate reading with the good feelings they’ve had later in life. Taking the time to sit together and read shows them that reading is a skill worth learning and making time for.
{Owl Gift Set Coming Soon!}
We’ve been adding to our product offering at One Small Child, and we felt it was important to add books for babies into the mix. Several of our new gift sets incorporate beautiful books, and we also have the following books available on their own…each features bright colors, fun words, and durable construction for your little one to see, hear, taste, and feel. We hope they can be a part of your own child’s reading experience!
{Peek-a-Boo Rainbow Book, Hugs All Day Book, Fingers and Toes Book, My Bible Carry-Along Book}